Elderberry: a valuable aid for your immune system

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The immune system

Stress, lack of sleep, unbalanced diets and excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption are all factors that can attack and damage the immune system. 

The immune system's purpose is to defend the body against potentially harmful external agents and also to combat abnormal internal factors.

The immune system is mainly attacked by invaders from the outside, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that enter the body through ingested food, inhaled air, wounds, etc. However, an unhealthy lifestyle can also affect the immune system, causing fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders and lowering the immune defences.

Raises immune defences

Low immune defences are characterised by the most frequent flu symptoms, such as colds, fever, sore throat and headaches. However, there are other symptoms that identify a weakness of the body and its defences: dehydrated and dry skin, tiredness, hair loss. 

In order to raise the immune defences and strengthen the immune system in general, it is essential to choose to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle: a proper diet rich in fruit and vegetables and foods rich in vitamins.

Taking natural food supplements can be a valuable aid in boosting the body's immune defences, and elderberry fruit in particular plays a key role.

Elderberry fruits

Elderberry, a plant used in phytotherapy, is characterised by dark purple berries. It is a plant rich in properties: it protects tissues, has an antioxidant action and has the ability to stimulate the immune system.

- It helps purify the body by increasing skin transpiration 

- It performs an anti-inflammatory action and has diaphoretic properties, it is able to increase body sweating and for this reason is used to treat fever, respiratory tract affections and colds, common symptoms of lowered immune defences. 

- It helps decrease the intensity and duration of flu symptoms.

- It generally helps strengthen the body's natural defences.

Elderberry is supplemented not only at the onset of flu symptoms, but can also be taken as a preventive measure to strengthen the immune system.


Pubmed: Elderberry for prevention and treatment of viral respiratory illnesses: a systematic review.

Pubmed: Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials.

Pubmed: An overview of the immune system.

The advice is for information only and should not replace medical assistance. Please consult a doctor or health care professional before trying any remedies.